Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Cavorting in a wake and staying shipshape

Article posted by Florida Gazette. Photo by Amanda Nalley
Miami-Even though these dolphins look like they are close to the very large ship, they frequently ‘bow-ride’ or ‘surf’ the bow wakes of vessels both large and small. Scientists say they may be using the propulsion to get where they are going faster. Dolphins show a high degree of intelligence and have a wide range of vocalizations. They often hunt together and will even take care of an injured pod-member. Scientists say two males of the same age often form a lifelong bond and will spend the majority of their time together, helping each other to find food and mates? Inshore dolphins live in small social groups of around 10 individuals; while offshore dolphins form larger groups of 10-100. Wildlife Experts say, "When on the water, please try to observe them from a distance of at least 50 yards."

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